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Freebloods United is based on three ideas. The first, is that America is exceptional. The second, is that individuals who have resisted mass forced vaccination against C19 are more likely than most to appreciate that. The third is that these people might get along and want to hang out in a community.

In the past, it was very difficult to find people who share your most deeply held beliefs. After all, these beliefs don’t often emerge until one is confronted with serious hardship. The global technocratic elite imposed this litmus test on the world, allowing those of us with deeply held beliefs in things like bodily autonomy, therapeutic proportionality, individual liberty, the value of unborn children etc. to find each other across the world.

America is probably the best place for such individuals. This might be especially true for any hoping to start a family with a partner they can count on, to congregate.

There will be challenges. The U.S. Government is trying to force applicants for legal immigration to receive the vaccination or be denied citizenship. This includes spouses of lifelong American citizens in loving marriages. A space like this can help us confront those challenges together. Maybe we can even get an immigration attorney to stop by at some point in the future, who knows.

Millions of people from across the world are being persecuted for their deeply held beliefs. I think these people are more American than many that occupy our lands highest institutions. Many American citizens with these same types of beliefs hope to find love and start a family, but struggle to find fellow citizens that share these beliefs, and are therefore unable to form a union. I hope Freebloods united can help these individuals find one another bringing more ideological Americans to America, and bringing more love to the world.

So what are the rules? The main rule is you have to be Covid-19 vaccine free. If you caved to the pressure and got vaccinated, how can your fellow Americans expect you will stay true to your beliefs when confronted by the inevitable adversity to come in the world? Don’t get me wrong, there are a ton of great Americans that caved for one reason or another, for a job, or a deranged family member. I’m very close friends with some of these people, they just aren’t allowed to join this particular club. The other rule is you have to have a general commitment to American ideals. Really, the only one I consider non-negotiable is an appreciation for the non-aggression principle (NAP). You don’t have to universally apply it or anything, you just have to more or less agree that using violence and coercion offensively to get what you want isn’t the right answer. Another way of saying this is having a “live and let live” kind of mindset.

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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